Kumar Jerath

Traded in the Party, Maturity, and Cake, for Castles, Mountains, and a Lake

Updated: Jan 8, 2020

Celebrating another year with the Swiss and their beautifully scenic country.

A Year of Profound and Cataclysmic Change

I've rarely felt the need to celebrate my birthday, but in 2019, for the first time in my life, I felt genuinely, uncontrollably, and immensely proud of the life I'm living.

For all the hardships, challenges, and discouraging setbacks faced in 2017, 2018 was equally uplifting, enlightening, and captivating. I'm excited to share the laughs, lessons, and love of the 2 most impactful years of my life.

There was a time when I didn’t know what I was looking for, how to find it, or even where to begin. It took a sledgehammer to the chest in the form of a brutal wake up call for me to finally start putting real thought into where I was going.

The shift in energy, focus, perspective, and appreciation was a floodgate that drowned away all the bullshit excuses I had spent years making for myself. And it was just the beginning.

I believe a catalyst for personal growth can be a moment that evokes immeasurable emotion. A moment when serenity isn’t impossibility, it’s your reality; A moment when you laugh at all the crazy shit you thought you’d never make it through; A moment when you let go of any pain weighing you down by embracing the success and beauty of now.

To the people and places of Switzerland: Thank you for giving me a few more of these moments.